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Park run practice

Aspatria Medical Group is a park run practice.

Parkruns are free, weekly, community events all around the world.

The Saturday morning events are 5k and take place in parks and open spaces. On Sunday mornings, there are 2k junior parkruns for children aged four to 14.

Parkrun is a positive, welcoming and inclusive experience where there is no time limit and no one finishes last. Everyone is welcome to come along, whether you walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate. Our local one is at the Rugby Club in Aspatria and takes place at 9am each Saturday morning.

Registration is completely free and only needs to be done once, whether you intend to walk, jog, run, or volunteer or do a combination of all these things! Simply complete the registration form and bring a scannable copy of your barcode with you when you head down to your local event.

Find out more on the park run website

Date published: 8th December, 2022
Date last updated: 19th December, 2022